Name: Web Hosting Choice
Genre: Search Web Hosts/ web hosting directory
About: This site helps to choose the right web host It have a recommended host of the day, advance search, quick search )based on the money you are willing to spend) etc...
You can add an unlisted web host, resellers etc... And have a cool area called learning center, having info on scams, domains, bandwidth, resources etc...
* Choose your web hosting wisely, this is just an intro about the site mentioned, for more visit the site and get an idea on how this site works.
Hi, I'm jangtimjang. "Save bucket" seems to be very cheap.
You have left a comment in I appreciate that.
I'm a software engineer in Korea. I've seen many indian who work in IT field in Korea. My boss's wife is also an indian.
Your blog is inspiring to me. Have a good day.
it's really important to set your mind to search for the best hosting place , it's not important how much time you take finding it ,
i knew some people tried over 13 hosts till they got to the best ,
it's not always matter of cheap and expensive ,
it's uptime and moderation with some fast servers
i'd go with
1 and 1
I cannot stress enough how much research needs to be done before choosing a web host. I found out to my cost by signing up to a host and getting scammed by them. As well as checking out review sites, just do a websearch for the name of the company you’re looking into.
The main thing I have found is to avoid companies that advertise “unlimited bandwith”. There is no way that they can live up to their promise.
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