Friday, May 15, 2009

LeapFish, Just Type It : Searching is Seriously fun

Technology is growing day by day, be it in the segmant of home, (read it as "smart" home), The automotive industry, the food sector, The consumables or in internet.
Internet is now ruling many industries. The phrases like information on fingertips, global village etc are now obsolete. The search and information from the internet is so advanced that it is even available for us even in our mobile phone.
The data like who comes from where to buy what product is critical for any business. Similar information helps us to strengthen our weak points so that, we can deliver more service.
For example, LeapFish™, the California based multi-dimensional search engine that paints the vividness of the web in a single search interface, have announced a couple or more of widgets, that can aid in search.
They are
1. Cyber home
2. The compete Ranking and
3. Yelp listing.

With billions of properties at their disposal, helps us to retreive the home for rent, mortgage, for sale etc, when you key in a city, state and a real estate keyword.
Site profiles, referal statistics, search analytics, ranks, listing and more can be retreived if you are searching a domain name. The yelp, helps to retreive the local listing from around 24 cities, when you search with city, state and a local service name.
These new widgets helps them to capture more variety from the web. and helps them to integrate, real estate values, Local business listing and reviews, and web traffic analytics in its new search platform.

And I searched for San Fransisco Indian restuarants there in LeapFish:

See, the information is not in finger tips, its all in simple search tips. "Just Type It"


Paulo Correia said...

Nice Post

frasi celebri said...

Excellent Post. Thanks

Unknown said...

Nice post. Thank you for posting.

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